When you feel weak with concentration power, try some advice from consultants management of the United States, Robert J. Lumsden which he wrote in the 23 Steps to Success and Achievement book :
- First, do everything that you can try to prevent interference. Learning in the sitting room, where a radio or TV turned on or someone else is talking, it will not help. Look for special room with ventilation, lighting, and adequate warmth.
- When starting, resist the temptation to dream about the past or the future. Do not let your eyes looked around, but keep it leads to a job. You will be helped to write notes or draw sketches relevant to the subject you are dealing with.
- One of the concentration enemy is boredom. Attention you do not drift off into nowhere for watching movies or while reading a gripping novel. Boredom makes it easy to slip when you work too long. Therefore, limit the time to learn for an hour, then rest for ten minutes and do something different.
- Set a time limit. Set yourself a load or amount of work you deserve to do in one hour, one week, or one month. By providing a challenge to yourself, you have to get help to regulate emotions. Your self-esteem that is built will also continue to encourage you.
- The last enemy of concentration is the attitude budge. Do not ever think negative like "I will never prevail against it". Your brain is more capable and competent than you might think. The brain will rise because more severe demands. Believe in the power of your own.
Thanks for reading...